Enhancing green infrastructure in the urban environment

The climate is changing in cities around the world. For many cities in Canada, the weather is getting wetter, hotter and more severe. We are seeing flooding, heat waves, severe thunderstorms, ice storms and snowstorms.

Green infrastructure – the living and built systems that slow down, soak up and filter rainwater – is one important way of adapting to a changing climate. It is also a tool for greening cities and enhancing biodiversity. There are many forms of green infrastructure, from parks, to street trees, to permeable pavements, to green roofs, bioswalesrain gardens and storm water ponds.

With the support of the Salamander Foundation, Succession worked with Ecology Ottawa in 2017 and 2018 to conduct research and workshops on the challenges and opportunities facing the City of Ottawa that relate to the green infrastructure file. The report garnered major local media attention and influenced the municipal discussion about whether and how quickly Ottawa could adopt strong green infrastructure policies.

Since that time, Ecology Ottawa has continued to organize around green infrastructure and climate adaptation opportunities for the City of Ottawa. We continue to exchange lessons learned and best practices from across Canada, to push forward on this important work.